A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals
Why read this report
Any decent report on skills is always important for L&D professionals. This one looks specifically on reskilling and upskilling and within the context of a Covid-19 landscape.
About the research
This report is the result of a collaboration between Training Journal, TalentLMS and hiring experts Workable. First off, 282 training and hiring managers, C-level executives and decision makers were asked why they had reskilled or upskilled their workforce and how it has benefited their business. Next, 400 US employees were asked about their employers’ upskilling and reskilling training initiatives.
Standout stats
What really stands out in the report is that Coivd-19 has prompted a surge in skills development, both in terms of employers ramping up their efforts and employees taking the initiative. We’ve broken the findings down into different categories:
The amount of training taking place:
Why employers are investing in training:
Why employees are interested in training:
Final word
According to the report, the three soft skills employees are most deficient in are: communication/collaboration (57%), leadership (54%) and proactive thinking (50%).
Participants were asked who created the training material for reskilling/upskilling initiatives. The results were:
The most popular delivery method is blended learning (69%), with 11% providing offline training and 20% online training.
This research suggests that organisations are actively seeking to upskill employees, which is heartening considering the economic and social context in which we are all operating. And it is good to see the benefits including increased productivity. It’s also interesting to note that 66% of employees enjoy learning new skills. This fact can get lost in change management programmes.
Note that managers and leaders need upskilling too. They are the keys to future success, so ensure you focus on developing them too.
Report reading time: 15 minutes
Media: PDF
Link: https://www.talentlms.com/blog/reskilling-upskilling-training-statistics/