A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals
Why read this report
It shows the progress L&D teams are making when it comes to strategy, technology, impact and skills development. It also provides insights on how employees learn.
About the research
This is the Emerald Works annual L&D Health Check report. It was formerly the Towards Maturity Health Check. The research forms part go a longitudinal study which has been running for 16 years. Respondents answer questions about their learning strategy, impact and the use of technology. This year, 1,123 L&D leaders responded to the Health Check.
Standout stats
Investment in learning technologies has gone up by 3% in 2020. But, only 15% of learning leaders report successes in driving innovation for business growth – 3% lower the in 2019.
Across the board, the impact of learning technology on the business remains stubbornly low and in many cases decreasing year on year.
Strategic alignment
L&D alignment
Learning culture
Skills of the L&D team
This year, respondents reported an overall decline in of their teams’ capabilities. The strongest decline was in facilitating social and collaborative learning, dropping from 25% in 2018 to 15% in 2020.
L&D teams remain strong on classroom delivery and learning management but remain weak in almost every other area, from analytics to knowledge management, from performance consulting to digital content development.
Final word
This report is alarming because it shows that the majority of L&D leaders are not having the impact they desire. Technology is not helping and L&D skills development is stagnating. This research shows that these are ongoing problems.On the flip side, the top performers are showing what does work.
The report ends by identifying the six habits of high impact learning cultures based on insights from the research. They are:
1 Lead with purpose
– Be clear on the vision and impact of learning in the organisation
2 Nudge behaviour
– Understand how people are engaged with learning. How can L&D lead on this, making the vision for learning a reality?
3 Facilitate critical connections
– Develop ways for people to connect, collaborate and share knowledge when they need to.
4 Drive experiences that matter
– provides solutions that solve business problems
5 Connect people with success
– ensure people are using the learning infrastructure in the right way
6 Adapt capability to need
– Ensure L&D has the right business intelligence to make the right decisions
These seem like a useful set of principles for building environments in which learning can thrive.
Report reading time: 20 minutes
Media: PDF
Link: https://emeraldworks.com/resources/research-and-reports/strategy/back-to-the-future