Cutting through the AI noise – resources and action points

Our recent webinar with AI strategist Jon Fletcher looked at how learning professionals can cut through the AI noise.

Here are the resources from the session.

Watch the recording . . .

The session included data from our report into who is influencing L&D’s thinking, which you can access here.

Jon mentioned the following resources to stay up to date with AI developments:

And here are our actionable insights from the session:

Seek out diverse sources of information

Our research shows that when it comes to AI information, L&D professionals are relying on colleagues and peers. Jon urged learning professionals to seek out more diverse opinions from beyond learning too, as other sectors and functions will innovate more rapidly than learning.

Curate your sources to focus on those most relevant to your objectives. This will help avoid information overload. And ensure you regularly revisit and refine your AI strategies based on the most pertinent and actionable insights.

Identify clear objectives for using AI

As well as educating yourself on developments in AI, Jon urged L&D professionals to get their hands dirty with AI as everyone is currently trying to figure out how to harness the technology. He said it is not too late to get started. When doing so, define the “Why” and set out the reasons and outcomes for using the technology eg improving learning experiences, enhancing productivity, or driving innovation. And ensure that AI initiatives align with your organisation’s broader business objectives to maximise impact and relevance.

Focus on specific use cases

Identify specific tasks or processes where AI can offer the most value. Focus on augmenting rather than automating workflows, to enhance efficiency. For example, use AI to streamline content creation, analyse learner data, or personalise learning experiences. Prioritise areas where AI can support employees in their daily tasks.

Develop the skills of the learning team

Invest in supporting your team’s AI literacy and skills and encourage experimentation and hands-on learning to build confidence in using AI tools. Facilitate peer learning and knowledge sharing sessions within your organisation to foster a collaborative approach to AI adoption.

Partner with vendors

Work closely with your technology vendors to understand their AI capabilities and roadmaps. Engage in discussions about your specific needs and how their solutions can address them. It is important to critically assess vendor offerings and to consider how they fit with your organisation’s goals and processes.

Prioritise the employee experience

Think beyond learning and focus on the employee experience and how AI can improve it – learning is one part of this but you need to consider the broader context. Focus on improving the employee experience by integrating AI solutions that are intuitive and user-friendly.

Cutting through the AI noise requires learning professionals to take a two-pronged approach – seek out information on AI developments from inside and outside the sector and use the technology yourself. This will clarify the insights you will need to develop the use of AI in your work and across the organisation.