Actionable insights to accelerate business opportunities

Over the last few months we have been refining our offer and as a part of that came to the realisation that our process of using research and customer/employee/market insights to guide what we do is a powerful and...
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Insights, clarity, action!

Ever heard of the nine dot puzzle? It’s a mathematical puzzle that challenges people to connect nine squarely arranged points in four (or less) straight lines, using a pen and without lifting the pen from the page (you can...
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The power of the word

Our Head of Insights, Roisin Woolnough, looks at how journalism skills support our client work around business strategy. At the weekend, a friend asked me a question I have been asked many times before: “So you’re a journalist and...
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Making the shift from data to insights

  We drown in data, but starve for insight. That’s a pretty strong statement, made by Sean Bengry in his recent post 10 Things I’ve Learned from My 20 Years in Learning and Development. This post was one of...
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