6 ways learning brands can cut through the noise in 2024

The corporate learning market has a problem – hundreds of competitors all saying similar things. This means that for suppliers, everyone is a competitor. And for buyers, it’s difficult to know which vendor is right for you and your...
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Demonstrating value through thought leadership content

According to Statista, 50% of marketers expect to increase their content marketing budget this year. So, as a marketer in L&D, HR or talent, how are you going to get more bang for your buck, especially in these economically...
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Thought leadership content: good for brand perception and sales

  Thought leadership content is having a huge impact on corporate buyers. The 2020 B2B Thought Leadership Impact Study, published by Edelman and LinkedIn, shows that for 89% of executives, thought leadership is enhancing their perceptions of a brand....
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What makes great thought leadership content?

Thought leadership is a bit of a marmite term. There are those who love it, and then there are those that vehemently dislike it. The American business magazine Forbes falls into the latter category. In 2013, thought leadership was...
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