Research Radar – key workforce research reports

  Research underpins our work and is a central part of our client work. We use this research to create actionable insights for our clients. Here we share workforce research, which we update regularly. We cover a broad range...
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Research Digested: Megatrends Reshaping the Future: The Crucial Role of L&D in Business Transformation, Mind Tools for Business

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report Every year, Mind Tools for Business releases research into the state of L&D, based on the results of its annual benchmarking report. This year’s report...
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Research Digested: 2020 Workplace Learning Report. L&D in a new decade: Taking the strategic long view, LinkedIn Learning

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report This is the fourth annual LinkedIn report into learning. It includes a lot of statistics (really, there are a lot of statistics) and covers...
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Research Digested – 2020 Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. About the research Deloitte ran its first Global Human Capital Trends survey in 2011. In this latest iteration, 8,949 senior HR and business professionals from around the world...
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L&D: We want it but we don’t have the skills to do it

  We regularly produce digests of research related to the people development space. Stats from a couple of recent pieces of research tell an interesting story. Fosway Group’s research into the realities of digital learning shows that the top...
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A few hopes for B2B content marketing in 2019

I couldn’t help myself. It’s that time of year to trot out pieces on trends for the year ahead and I have succumbed. But rather than trends, I opted to list some hopes, based on what makes for useful,...
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