Listening and responding is a useful comms strategy right now

  This is just a quick reflection on our third Content&Comms virtual coffee session which took place yesterday (24/4/20). Ahead of the session I shared the following slide as a way of provoking the conversation.   We didn’t use...
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Useful free resources at the Open University’s OpenLearn

  A part of the Open University’s remit is to provide free, open educational content. This content is delivered via the OpenLearn brand. OpenLearn currently boasts more than 900 free courses on a wide range of topics, from money...
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Content and communications through Covid-19

The Covid-19 pandemic is unprecedented. That means we have never experienced anything like it before. There are no rules or best practice guidelines on how brands should respond and how they should communicate with their customers. That’s why we...
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This is the biggest home working experiment. We should treat it like one

  As an experiment the world’s governments would have found it very hard to lock down travel in order to see what impact that would have on the environment and climate change. And yet that has been one of...
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Content&Comms Coffee for learning brands

  UPDATE: We have added some more dates. These sessions will run weekly at 11.00hrs BST. The next session will be on Thursday 23 April. To register your place, click here. If you would like to discuss a specific...
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Where’s the slack in remote working?

  And no, I don’t mean Slack, the comms tool. Not that long ago, if you said you were working from home there would be a few raised eyebrows. The implication was always that you weren’t going to be...
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If ever there was a time to start curating resources . . .

  The current coronavirus crisis will see organisations and learning teams race to go digital with their learning resources, if they haven’t already done so. Before creating new content, think about what’s already available to you and your colleagues...
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Stories for now

  We are in unchartered territory. Unchartered territory means the rules that we normally play by aren’t necessarily relevant or valid. As a brand, what do these times mean for your comms and messaging? This week I’ve seen some...
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Tips on working from home when the kids are off school

Our head of content, Roisin Woolnough, reflects on many years’ experience of working from home and provides some tips on staying productive when the kids are at home too. So, all of a sudden, millions of people are working...
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Going quiet or ignoring what’s going on does not make for good communications right now

  Yesterday I was due to run in the Bath Half Marathon but decided against it due to concerns about the spread of the coronavirus and the impact that could have locally. In my previous post I wrote about...
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