Looking back at 2020 and forward to 2021

2020: what a year it’s been, for us and everyone else. While it’s tempting to rush 2020 out the door and usher in 2021, we think it’s important to reflect on what’s happened and what the year has meant...
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The top 10 From Scratch episodes 2020

  We thought we’d share the top 10 most listened to podcast episodes of 2020 on the From Scratch podcast, which we co-host with Nigel Paine. It’s interesting to see that the dost popular episode was on learning evaluation....
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Sharing is caring – the year for reflective content

  If ever there was a year for your brand to produce some end of year content, this is it. 2020 has been a year like no other. The way we live and work has changed due to the...
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Learning is shifting but are your learning comms shifting?

Currently the messaging is: hands, face, space. Previously it was: Stay alert, control the virus, save lives and Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives. Whatever you think of the government’s messaging around the Covid-19 pandemic, it has tried...
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Communicating the changing role of corporate learning

  If the role of learning has changed forever as a result of the Covid-19 lockdown – and we at Insights Media think it has – then learning teams and learning businesses are faced with a significant communications challenge....
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Our new service offering to help vendors and corporate learning teams articulate value and impact

  Covid-19 has changed corporate learning for good, generating new and unforeseen brand and communications challenges for vendors and learning teams. As a result of these challenges, Insights Media has developed new propositions for the two markets it serves...
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Research Digested: The 2020 State of Digital Transformation: Benchmarking Digital Maturity in the COVID-19 Era

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report For several years now, the Prophet organisation Altimeter has been producing an annual report, looking at the state of global digital transformation. This year’s...
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What HR and L&D can do about fake news and misinformation

  We’ve all shared a tweet without reading the content of the links that were within it, right? I recently ran a webinar on fake news for the L&D Mastermind Group in which I asked whether people had shared...
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Research Digested: Two-Thirds of Businesses say Skills Training is Crucial to Post-COVID Business Recovery

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report? The report talks about the link between skills training and business recovery for organisations in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. It draws on...
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Time to focus on communicating value

  The last few months have pushed organisations into crisis management mode as they cope with new ways of working and business survival. And for many, that’s where they still are. For vendors in the learning sector, that has...
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