6 ways learning brands can cut through the noise in 2024

The corporate learning market has a problem – hundreds of competitors all saying similar things. This means that for suppliers, everyone is a competitor. And for buyers, it’s difficult to know which vendor is right for you and your...
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Research digested: B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks, Budgets, and Trends: Outlook for 2024, Content Marketing Institute

A snapshot of useful research for L&D workplace professionals . . . Why read this research? This annual report from the Content Marketing Institute, now in its 14th year, provides a snapshot of B2B marketing, the trends, challenges and...
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Content preferences – what business to business buyers want from your brand

Business to business buyers want less sales messages and more research-backed content, according to the 2022 Content Preferences Survey Report. The research, carried out by On24 and Demand Gen report, surveyed 174 B2B executives to find out about their...
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Research digested: B2B Content Marketing 2020, Content marketing Institute

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report It tells you what’s happening in the world of content marketing – what organisations are doing around content marketing and why, how seriously organisations take...
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Webinar resources: Signal vs noise: Marketing content L&D pros really want from vendors

Here are the webinar recording and slides – including notes made during the session – from our webinar Signal vs noise: Marketing content L&D pros really want from vendors. We will be adding a document summarising the event in...
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11 questions to help shape your content strategy

All market sectors are awash with content from suppliers, which makes it hard to stand out. So what is the best approach to ensure your content is helping your business grow? Our conversations with clients start with the basics...
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How to use whitepapers to boost your content marketing efforts

Every year that Smart Insights runs its state of digital marketing survey, one trend comes out on top: content marketing. It’s the same again in this year’s report, The State of Digital Marketing in 2018: What works best in...
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Focus on authoritative, trusted content in the face of declining engagement

There’s a line in the ‘Content Trends Report 2018’ that makes for sobering reading for anyone involved in content marketing. It’s this: “If you’re sticking with your content approach from three years ago, it’s now 50% less effective”. Content...
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Is your content marketing aligned with what your customers care about?

The answer is probably not. A lot of corporate brand messaging is out of kilter with what buyers perceive to be important. Research carried out by global consultancy McKinsey found that a lot of B2B companies are putting the...
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A few hopes for B2B content marketing in 2019

I couldn’t help myself. It’s that time of year to trot out pieces on trends for the year ahead and I have succumbed. But rather than trends, I opted to list some hopes, based on what makes for useful,...
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