What’s current research saying about education and skills?

What is the purpose of education today? Is it to develop people into well-rounded human beings or into efficient workers? Most (68%) of the 551 SME senior decision makers polled in a recent survey said the former – that...
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Research reading list for L&D professionals – from hybrid work to skills and beyond

  At Insights Media we spend a lot of time exploring research that’s related to corporate learning and workplace performance. We use this to undepin our client work, to power some of what we do at LearnPatch and to...
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“Invisible L&D”? It’s time to be seen

  A quarter of business leaders say their L&D function regularly communicates with senior leaders to set goals, request feedback and report performance. This is according to new research from Emerald Works entitled Same team, different sides?, which explores...
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Research Digested: Five Years of Measuring the Business Impact of Learning, LEO and Watershed

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report? To get understanding of how L&D professionals approach measuring learning impact, how they do it and the barriers that they face. About this research...
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Research Digested: The Future of Learning Report 2021, FutureLearn

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report Unlike other learning related research, this study includes attitudes to learning from both a personal and work perspective. It also focuses on generational and...
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Research Digested: Leadership’s Digital Transformation: Leading Purposefully in an Era of Context Collapse

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report This report is one of many that look at how digital transformation is changing the way workforces operate and what leaders need to do about...
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Mind the gap – why brand messaging and communications must keep up to speed with a fast-moving market

  The Covid-19 pandemic forced organizations to change quickly. Employees were furloughed, they’ve been asked to work from home and they’ve been asked to work in very different ways. The context of work has changed. And it has changed...
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Out of adversity comes opportunity

Insights Media’s head of content, Roisin Woolnough, reflects on some of the changes that impacted on learning professionals in 2020 and what they mean for the year ahead. Like everyone else, I was very glad to see the back...
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Research Digested: The Work Ahead: Digital First (to Last), Cognizant

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report This report provides insights into organisations’ digital journey, including research findings from a similar research study carried out in 2016. The comparisons between the...
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Demonstrating value – a key part of the comms strategy for 2021

  Communicating your value, whether you are a vendor or learning team is something we talk about a lot. There is the opportunity to do this as the role of corporate learning changes. And there is the opportunity to...
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