Research Digested: The State of AI in L&D 2023, Steal These Thoughts

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report Because it focuses on AI and L&D! And it involves fieldwork with L&D professionals, conducted by someone who works in the profession. About this research...
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Research Digested – AI at Work: It’s Here and It’s Working, Whether You Know It or Not

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals . . . Why read this report This report shares some useful insights on employees’ perceptions of AI and how they want to use the technology at work. About...
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Insights Media launches Research Roundup series for corporate learning

Specialist L&D content agency Insights Media has launched its new Research Roundup service for learning teams. Every quarter, Insights Media will focus on an important learning topic and identify between four and six relevant pieces of research, pulling out...
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Research Digested: Taking responsibility – why UK PLC needs better managers, Chartered Management Institute

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals . . . Why read this report Managers are key to unlocking the performance of individuals and teams. And that’s why they are a key stakeholder group for L&D...
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Research Digested: Trends in Learning 2023, The Open University

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report The Open University (OU) produces an annual report outlining emerging trends in learning. The trends tend to be interesting and broad in their focus –...
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Research Digested: 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer Special Report: Trust at Work

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report The strapline to this year’s Edelman report on Trust in the Workplace is The Workplace Reconsidered. It claims employees across all generations want a reset,...
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Research Digested: Augmented work for an automated, AI-driven world, IBM

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report The report says the AI revolution has reached a tipping point and that organisations need to structure work strategically. It says organisations need to rethink...
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Research Digested: Leadership Development – Insights and Recommendations for Employers, Winckworth Sherwood

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report This research looks at what both employers and employees think about the learning and development provided to leaders in their organisation and about the progression...
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Research Digested: The State of Organisations, 2023: Ten shifts transforming organisations, McKinsey & Company

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report As the title suggests, this report looks at the burning issues of the day and for that reason, it’s worth reading. For those who are...
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Content preferences – what business to business buyers want from your brand

Business to business buyers want less sales messages and more research-backed content, according to the 2022 Content Preferences Survey Report. The research, carried out by On24 and Demand Gen report, surveyed 174 B2B executives to find out about their...
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