Research digested: New Decade, New Direction, The Institute of Leadership and Management

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report This research looks at why people might be looking for a new job in the new year and the new decade. It looks at...
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Content quality control

  We’ve been asked to do more proofreading for clients recently. This got me reflecting on the quality of content that organisations publish, whether it’s marketing content, learning content or general communications. And when I say quality, I mean...
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Creating space to think

Last year I attended three-days of training on the Thinking Environment led by Meg Peppin. Since then I have participated in Thinking Partnerships in which two people spend time thinking and listening. They typically last up to an hour....
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What marketing information do L&D professionals want from vendors?

  I have attended a lot of Learning Technologies conferences and exhibitions over the years and I have heard the same grumbles each time about the exhibition experience. L&D pros keep complaining that vendors aren’t giving them the information...
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Bringing the barcamp experience to organisations

  “Barcamp is the best bit of Learning Technologies.” That’s what a lot of people say about our Barcamp event. We’ve just run our eighth Learning Technologies Barcamp and, as with the others, it was a huge success. You...
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Improving performance

  In a couple of weeks I’ll be running my fourth Bath half marathon. When I first ran it I finished in 1 hour 48 minutes. Last year I ran 1 hour 30 minutes. This year I’m hoping I...
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How far does curiosity extend?

  I’ve been inspired by the daily blogging of Andrew Jacobs and and am going to try out regular sharing of thoughts, experiences and provocations. The first is on curiosity and has been provoked by a session on the...
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Research digested: B2B Content Marketing 2020, Content marketing Institute

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report It tells you what’s happening in the world of content marketing – what organisations are doing around content marketing and why, how seriously organisations take...
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What we can learn from Philip Pullman’s storytelling

  Our Head of Content Roisin Woolnough celebrates National Storytelling Week with a look at Philip Pullman’s Daemon Voices and the correlations between being a storyteller of fiction and being a storyteller of more factual material. I wonder how...
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Research Digested: 2020 Edelman Trust Barometer, Edelman

  A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals Why read this report The report looks at how much trust the global population has in four societal institutions – business, the government, NGOs and the media. This...
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