Learning tech marketing: the curse of features

I spent a day at this week’s World of Learning conference in Birmingham. Wandering around the exhibition floor, I was struck, as I am at most learning conferences, by the different ways in which suppliers try to attract the...
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Optimising learning through periods of change – insights from Gallup research

How to navigate changing workforce needs at a time of rapid technological disruption across many industries. That is the focus of the fourth and latest issue of the management consultancy company Gallup’s digital publication The Real Future of Work....
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Research digested: The State of Work, Slack

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report? Slack has used its research data in an interesting way, looking at responses to questions based on whether a worker is aligned or unaligned with...
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Webinar resources: Branding in corporate learning: why does differentiation matter?

Here are the recording of our webinar on brand and brand differentiation plus the slides. The event took place on 11 September 2019. Many thanks to all of you who took part and to our speaker, marketing and communications...
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Why credibility matters

Boring, predictable, repetitive and lacking in credibility – nobody wants to read content like that and nobody wants to be pushing out content like that. But it is precisely what a lot of people think about branded content, according...
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Webinar resources: How to create standout PR

Here are the recording of our panel discussion on how to create standout PR and the slide notes made during the discussion. The discussion took place on 22 May 2019. Many thanks to all of you who took part...
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Webinar resources: Signal vs noise: Marketing content L&D pros really want from vendors

Here are the webinar recording and slides – including notes made during the session – from our webinar Signal vs noise: Marketing content L&D pros really want from vendors. We will be adding a document summarising the event in...
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Research digested: Digital Learning Realities 2018, Fosway Group

A snapshot of useful research for L&D and workplace professionals. Why read this report? It tells you what other L&D professionals think about their learning technologies, what they are using it for and how well it is working. If...
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Research digested: How to solve a problem like L&D, Knowledgepool

  How to solve a problem like L&D, KnowledgePool. Why read this report This report is useful for understanding the challenges facing L&D teams. It also sheds light on how managers see L&D. The report shows some interesting differences...
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Research digested: The State of Digital Transformation 2018-19 edition, Altimeter

  The State of Digital Transformation 2018-19 edition, Altimeter Why read this report? This research shines a spotlight on digital transformation in organisations. It looks at what organisations are doing to transform and which business areas are benefitting from...
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