A case study is a story so tell it like one

  A case study is a story. It’s a story about how your organisation helped another organisation overcome a business challenge and become a better business as a result. But – and this is a very big but –...
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Learning Technologies Barcamp 2020

Each year our LearnPatch brand organises a barcamp event at the end of day one of the Learning Technologies Conference and Exhibition. This year’s event is on the topic of inclusion. These events are called barcamps because they take...
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Break out of the bubble

  If the academic community wants to influence online conversations about R&D then the first thing it must do is get where the action is. Join those online conversations. Start new ones up. Create some noise around interesting research...
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Survey: What I’d like to see from vendors at Learning Technologies 2020

  In corporate learning, technology is driving change in the way learning activities and content are designed, delivered and evaluated. This is reflected in the growth of the Learning Technologies Exhibition and Conference which is held annually in London...
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The brand relevance sniff test

  As a part of our marketing accelerator impact assessment we carry out what we call the brand relevance sniff test. For this we spend 30 seconds looking at a brand’s website to see if we can understand what...
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Research needs to be more accessible and interactive. An interview with Professor Joe Smith

Next in our series on how research is communicated, Insights Media head of content Roisin Woolnough, interviews professor Joe smith, director of the Royal Geographical Society.   Conversation. Noun: a talk, especially an informal one, between two or more...
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The challenges of liberating academic research

  Continuing our series on how research is communicated, Insights Media head of content Roisin Woolnough, looks at why academic research fails to reach a broader audience.  Mike Morrison recently spent six months working with an academic whose research...
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Why being better informed in the learning industry is a challenge

The tweet pictured below sparked an interesting conversation about the credibility of information, products and services that are available at corporate learning conferences and exhibitions.   Should conference speakers call out myths that are the basis for products and...
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Overcoming the challenges of communicating climate science

  In the first of a series of articles looking at how academics communicate their research, Insights Media head of content, Roisin Woolnough, talks to Dr Mike S. Schäfer, professor of science communication at Zurich University, about the challenges...
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Learning teams should consider a customer education strategy ahead of marketing

This recent tweet from Nick Shackleton-Jones serves as a reminder that marketing is not the answer to overcoming the learning and development and performance issues facing organisations. It’s sometimes said that training has a lot to learn from marketing,...
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